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Where We Work

The BIRD Lab comprises a network of UNICEF Headquarters as well as Regional and Country Offices.

The BIRD Lab is a partnership between UNICEF Innocenti – Global Office of Research and Foresight and Programme Group’s Social and Behaviour Change team. The network includes multidisciplinary teams in seven UNICEF Regional Offices. The BIRD Lab community of practice has over 100 UNICEF staff members with representation in over 25 country offices.

The BIRD Lab currently supports a wide range of projects, with initiatives ranging from primary health to social protection to gender equality to early childhood development. These initiatives contribute to the five goal areas included in UNICEF's overall strategic plan, that every child and adolescent...

  • Goal Area 1

    ...survives and thrives, with access to nutritious diets, quality health care, nurturing practices, and essential supplies

  • Goal Area 2

    ...learns and acquires skills for the future

  • Goal Area 3

    ...is protected from violence, exploitation, abuse, neglect, and harmful practices

  • Goal Area 4

    ...has access to water, sanitation, and hygiene and lives in a safe and sustainable climate and environment

  • Goal Area 5

    ...has access to inclusive social protection and lives free from poverty

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